Homeschool, virtual learning 2020, and invisible illnesses Blog
By: Mary B
So, I’m dying to delve into writing this blog but I can’t quite seem to get any time for myself yet. I’m trying to get into a groove of some sort of structure and routine with my kids and their “school” this year. I also want to maintain a freedom for them to explore their individuality and talents. I want them to get outside and enjoy living not just learning the traditional ways. Each day, it seems to be going better.
My 9 year old daughter is doing virtual learning. My 14 year old son is navigating a very new journey- Special needs homeschooling. I’m trying to follow his flow- where his brain and imagination takes him. In the beginning, our only focus (because of necessity) was well being. Traditional school with the fast paced environment and expectations was just too much during this stage in his life. The pressure of tradional school and “fitting into the mold” forced him into a state of a nervous breakdown…as a kid. His nerves were in a state of survival. Puberty is hard no matter the individual. My son has complex medical diagnosis: autism, 18q- syndrome, cognitive impairment, hearing loss. etc. BUT MOST IMPORTANTLY,
HE HAS A UNIQUELY BRILLIANT MIND. HE IS TALENTED, CHARMING, FUNNY, LOVING, CARING AND SO MUCH MORE. The world has slowed down some because of Cov-id. It’s presented our family some new challenges, but it’s also allowed us to really focus on well being of not only each individual, but also of our family unit.
My daughter is talented. She’s an artist and a wonderful writer. She knows the most random facts about all types of animals I’ve never heard of. We are trying to work on her confidence and patience with herself and what she doesn’t know yet. We are all still learning and trying to improve every day. I’m working on one on one time out with her.
I want to write this blog because there is SO much of ME I want to write and show with my photography.
Why is making yourself a priority such a challenge?!
I needed to write a bit about my children because I’m endlessly devoted to their well being right now.
Speaking that truth, allows me to find myself there. I’m here too.
Being a special needs mom with complex invisible illnesses myself is something I’m trying to navigate. Right now, my moments to myself are the moments I pause to appreciate beauty through my photos.
I will feel better. Lupus and fibromyalgia are new. I’ve known Epilepsy nearly my entire life. I’m trying to figure out how to find more strength to take care of myself. I will.