If my life were a movie!

By: Talia

Ten years from now, I wake up in Paris inside of my chic apartment after an awesome night out with Ariana Grande. I’m pretty tired, but I end up going to the mall anyway because Forever 21 is having a sale! When I’m finished trying on clothes, I decide I need a strawberry milkshake ASAP, so I head to the food court to grab one. After I order, I walk over to grab a straw when Evan (Danny Zuko) accidently runs into me and spills his shake all over my shirt! He feels so bad that he begs me to let him make it up to me by taking me to dinner at Applebee’s. “I’d love that!” I respond still in shock about what just happened. “Great,” he replies. “I can pick you up at 8:00. Just text your address to me.” After I text him, I go home to get ready. Before I know it, there’s a knock at my door and he’s standing there with a huge bouquet of roses. He then takes my hand and leads me to his car. On the ride to the restaurant, I can’t stop flirting with each other. Once I arrive, I order mac and cheese. Throughout dinner, I talk about everything. Then, he pays the check and drives me back home. When I get there, he walks me to the door and leans in to kiss me! Talk about a swoon-worthy moment! Then Demi Lovato comes in and says you’re my BFF, Sandra “Sandy” Dee aka Talia G.

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