It looks like I will have my classes in-person…
By: Arielle
I received this email today. Good thing, I have a lot of reusable masks …
Dear Incoming Students,
We are excited to welcome you here to GSU Law in Fall 2020! We know that you have many questions about what Fall 2020 is going to look like. Our first concern is for your safety, and we have developed our plans to comply with the Georgia Department of Public Health and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidelines.
At the beginning of your law school journey, it is important to create community and build relationships. This happens easiest in the classroom. Thus, the majority of first-year courses will be taught face-to-face in classrooms that allow for social distancing. Mask-wearing on campus and in classrooms is strongly encouraged, and required in places where social distancing is not possible.
We also know, however, that the COVID-19 pandemic is fluid. While you should expect to be in the classroom for your Fall 2020 courses, all of our professors are using the summer to prepare excellent online modules so that we can transition to virtual learning, if necessary.
Attached, you will find a mock schedule for the Fall. To ensure we have the ability to maintain social distancing standards, the mock schedule has been revised to include Friday courses. Please remember that this is a mock schedule, not your individual schedule for the Fall, and it is subject to change. We will begin registering students for classes mid-July.
We will keep you informed of any changes that may happen between now and the beginning of the Fall 2020 semester. Again, we look forward to meeting you, and we hope that you and your families are happy and healthy!