Last Few Months

By: Byron

The last few months have been crazy. To start with, over the summer I had a paid internship at a marketing firm where I worked 30 hours a week all summer. Over the weekends I would go different places such as Vermont, Maine, and Washington DC. Although the my internship was a highlight of my summer, the biggest highlight was when I went to a camp at American University in Washington DC. The camp was Sports entrepreneurship where we had a professor from AU speak to us and bring in multiple professionals from all sorts of companies. These companies included CBS sports, Octagon an athlete representation company, the NFLPA, ESPN, and others. They also took us around the Washington DC area to learn from local companies and or organizations. Those companies and organizations included under Armour, FedEx Field (where the Redskins play), Nationals Park, and Comcast Sports Net. The friends I gained from that camp I will never forget and I’ll always stay in contact with.

Now that school has started up again I am taking some very hard courses while at the same time applying to colleges. It’s been a challenge keeping up with my class work and writing essays for colleges that have due dates coming up in the next few months. My favorite class that I’m taking in school right now is called World Crises where we learn about the Middle East and what led up to 9/11. It Is the most challenging class at my school, but I’m loving every second of it. I’m currently writing a paper that is entitled the creation of the modern Middle East I have to talk about the Paris Peace Conference of 1919 and the creation of a Jewish homeland in Palestine. Yesterday in class there was a graded discussion on Palestine where I had notes and everything ready to speak but then for some reason I froze up and wasn’t able to talk. Hopefully because I went to my teacher afterwards explained myself and the fact I gave my teacher the notes I had prepared I will hopefully get a reasonable grade. I will keep you all up to date with what I’m doing with my College process and I’ll let you know when I get into college and I know where I’m going. This is a very exciting time for me, but I am incredibly nervous as well.

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