Last Semester!

My last (finally) semester at Emory!  I only need 1 French class to finish my major!  Unfortunately its a cross listed course through comparative literature and philosophy so it will be taught in English, but I can still write my assignments in French.  (I guess that means I will have to start speaking French to my new Friend more often then I would like to…He jokes that I sound like a 50-60 year old woman…)

As of now I’m enrolled in 21 hours, but I will be most likely dropping down to 12-16 hours…  

PHIL100- Problems in Philosophy

PHIL 110- Intro to logic

ANTH 203-Foundations in Linguistics

FREN 341: Intersections – Cultures of Self

LING 318: Second Language Acquisition

PE 195: Self Defense (for women)

Final schedule TBD-  I will probably drop wither one of the philosophy classes or linguistics classes ….. I need the French… :)

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