Le Métro

Le Métro

Although I live in Atlanta, I have never had the experience to have easy access to trains.  The metro is awesome here.  I have ma carte navigo (metro pass) and I just use it to skip into any station in Paris and I can just hop on the next train.  I’ve never felt so independent until I forced myself to learn the metro system in Paris, but honestly any city with a large train system is great.  It doesn’t make me feel bad for not having a driver’s license.  If I want to go to the Louvre or the Eiffel Tower I just know I can walk about ten minutes to either Duroc (lines 10 and 13) or Montparnasse-Bienvenüe  (the station I prefer since it has 4 lines: 4,6,12, and 13) and I can easily get to my destination.  Sometime I’ll have to switch lines, but that doesn’t really bother me.  Also, if I get lost at least I know that if I find a metro I’ll be able to find my way back home. :)

This is definitely something I need to keep in mind for graduate school, jobs, etc.

Le Métro

Cate navigo and my keys.

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