Letter from Westchester Reform Temple

By: Jonah

Hi Jonah

We wanted to write to you because we think you are way cool!  You do so much in the Special Olympics and never give up.  We are a group of 5th grade 10 year old boys.  We like basketball and baseball and a few of us practice instruments, like piano.  We are better at video games and we all love the iPad.  Our teacher tells us we are silly sometimes too!  School is good but sometimes we get a lot of homework.  Do you have a favorite subject?  That is one area none of us agree on.  Some kids love math and others do better in science. We all LOVE vacation.  Our favorite foods are chinese, burgers and chocolate.  What do you like to eat.  We hope you write back to us soon.

Ellen’s 5th Grade Class: Charlie, Matthew, Trevor, Max, Jake, Jack, Ryan, Eli, Jack #2, Noah, Aaron, Cole and Josh

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