Letters from Ypsilanti New Tech High School
By: Alexandra
Dear Alexandra
Hello! Our names are Jimmy I’m (16 years old) and Tyreek I’m (15 Years Old). You sound like a wonderful kid and we would like to get to know you better. We hear you’re into musicals. Looks like you have animals. We also have animals, Tyreek has a dog it’s a puggle named Honey, and Jimmy has a dog it’s a miniature pinscher mixed with a chihuahua, named O-B. They have the same qualities as your rabbit. The qualities that are the same as your rabbit are fluffy, cute, loveable and small. Our favorite thing to do is to play Basketball. Our favorite subject in school is Math.
We have a couple questions to ask you in relation to our BioArt project called “What Is Beauty?” is that ok? What is your definition of beauty? Our definition of beauty is someone who is outgoing, courageous and someone who is caring and giving and loving. Beauty is not always on the outside and that’s what makes you beautiful. How does your genetic disorder affect your daily life? How was working with Rick Guidotti? Please get back with us when you can.
Thank you for your time.
Jimmy and Tyree
Dear Alexandra
In my biology and art class, we are doing a project on beauty. One of the things is defining beauty. My definition of beauty is more of what your personality is like. The better personality, the more beautiful you are. Because though outside looks do have a slight affect. What’s inside should be what counts. What is yours? I’ve also noticed something we have in common, we both like to dance. If you put on Justin Timberlake I will definitely be dancing. I also wanna know how your condition affects your daily life? Does it greatly affect your daily life? Or does it do little effect? What was it like to work with Rick Guidotti? I really want to know. I hope you can reply soon.
Dear Alexandra
Hi! My name is Jade. I’m 15 years old and my birthday was January 5. My favorite color is green. I like to play basketball. I’m in the 9th grade. I love helping people who are in need and one thing I figured that we have in common is that we both like to dance. One day I hope I will get the chance to help people who are really sickly or even people that don’t have a lot. But, one thing that I’m looking forward to is to help people who want to do stuff in life.
I’m even trying to help younger boys and girls who want to grow up and be something in life and change the world.