Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas! Last night I went to trivia at Applebees with my best friend Danielle and her boyfriend Nick. It was an “ugly” Christmas sweater theme but I actually really like my sweater. I do love Minions. :) Danielle was able to find it for me at the last minute because I couldn’t find any on my own. The ones that I liked were out of stock at a few stores near me. I think she did pretty well. Trivia was fun as usual. The pictures were all characters from Christmas/holiday movies. The classics like Frosty and the abominable snowman were on there but there was also at least two that none of us recognized.

Merry Christmas.3 Merry Christmas.4 Merry Christmas.5

Yesterday was also exciting because I got highlights for the first time. I love how they turned out. I opted to try it after having a conversation with one of my coworkers, Ryan. We were talking about our New Year’s resolutions and somehow we came up with “being bold” as one of mine. So, I was! We’ll see if he notices the change after I get back to work haha.

Merry Christmas.1 Merry Christmas.2

On a much sadder note, my family got a phone call early the other day that my grandpa down in Tennessee passed away. He had been bouncing between the hospital and nursing home for a little less than a year now. We are traveling down tomorrow for the funeral and to be with my Grandma for a few days. Our dog Callie will be riding down with us, which should be interesting. :)

Anyway, I hope you and your family have a wonderful holiday season!

<3 Rebecca

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