My Brother!
By: Morgan
This past Wednesday my brother turned 29. For as long as I can remember, my brother has always been mine and my sister’s protector – no matter the middle child, only boy part of it all. To them, he just followed orders.
He’s the type of guy that on the outside is hard and stoic. Deep down, he’s a real softy and a momma’s boy. When I was little, he’d forgo his friends in the back of the school bus to sit with me in kindergarten and first grade. All the girls loved that he’d make sure his baby sister was happy and smiling in the hallways. Fast forward he’d wait outside with our family dog, for me in high school because it was more difficult for me to connect to people, checking in with me, helping me with math and picking me up from cheer practice. He is an amazing basketball player, a loyal and dedicated friend, (boyfriend to gina) an aspiring fisherman because that’s how he relaxes.
He’s the best older brother, rarely thinks about himself, unless he’s cracking jokes and making a mess in the kitchen. He owns his own house and that’s rare for someone his age, let alone there’s a guest bedroom with my name on it when I want to get away for a while. He is a dog dad to a rescue pit bull named Bruno. He and I share a love for the movie Deadpool and Sushi
And I wouldn’t have it any other way. Thank you, Mikey, for sacrificing so many things for your baby sister, playing the floor is lava and driving me to prom, in a tuxedo but quite possibly the best part was naming my walker, Becky. You have helped me make light of so many tough things and laugh with me instead of at me.
I love you brother. Happy birthday <3