My Cousin Symphony’s Birthday Party

On Saturday October 23 we celebrated my cousin, Symphony at her birthday party. Symphony was so excited to go to her birthday party. Symphony got to see her best friend Sawyer. Symphony got to see her other friends who are Iris, Brooklynn, Jojo and Alex. Symphony also got to see her sister Sophia at her party. My Aunt Ann had a special guest coming to the party. All the kids were excited to see Skye expect for Symphony. Symphony was scared. Sawyer wanted a picture with Symphony with Skye. Symphony was to be braver. Before Skye come they went to the playground. Then Skye had a little game for them to play and had music to play too. Then it was time for the Pinata with strings. All the kids loved pulling the strings. They got candy and other Halloween goodies. Symphony got to blow out her candles on her cake. Everyone got a cupcake with a Skye ring if they wanted one. Then Symphony got to open her presents. Symphony was happy to see all of her friends. Symphony’s birthday is on October 29.