My dog is a certified therapy dog!
By: Mia

So, after getting into raising animals like pigs and steers, I discovered that you can raise service dogs for the blind. This was my first plan, but I soon realized that I would have to give up a cute little puppy after training and loving it for so many months. I know it’s for a good cause, and I do hope to raise one someday, but since I was a little unsure about taking on such a challenge that requires loads of time and responsibility where an organization would rely on me to raise a well behaved puppy, I decided on something different. I decided to raise a therapy dog! After getting Zoe in October of 2019, I have been training her for several months and just last month, she passed her therapy dog certification test!!! I am so excited that my work has paid off and we were able to get her certified. It took lots of training, time and patience, but we finally made it! I could see that she has had the best personality for the job from the start, she loves to be pet, she is very gentle and caring and displays a genuine love and respect for every single person she meets. We had scheduled her for her first visit that was going to be at a college campus family day where she would be able to destress and just greet anyone who decided to come to the family day. Sadly, her visit got cancelled due to the recent developments with the corona virus since everyone is supposed to be social distancing to keep everyone healthy and safe. So, Zoe’s first therapy dog visit has yet to happen, but we are super excited for the day she gets to comfort and greet people in need of a sweet lovable little goldendoodle! Another thing that Zoe will be doing in the future is visits to the public library! I am currently working on an individual service project through my school’s national honor society where I am making a children’s picture book that Zoe and I will bring to the library visits for the kids to read to Zoe so that is an exciting development as well!!
Congratulations!! That is so awesome! Zoe is AMAZING!!
Thank you!!!