My family and I went on vacation. We went to North Carolina..

My family and I went on vacation. We went to North Caroline during September 19-26. The people who came were my mom, my dad, my brothers Michael, Andrew and his girlfriend Stacey and I. We even got to bring my dog Biscuit down with us. It wasn’t the vacation we planned for. We got to Rodanthe, North Caroline Saturday. After a long drive down. I drove with my brother Michael and we stop at College Park to eat breakfast at the Best Bagel Place. The bagel was pretty good. I got blueberry bagel with eggs, ham,cheese and it was called a sunrise. I got a strawberry smoothie too. Why did I chose the Best Bagel Place in College Park was because my brother Michael told me. He was like we are going there because everyone loves it there. I got the sunrise bagel because I didn’t want anything to heavy in my stomach. I chose a blueberry bagel because it sound good to me. I will definitely get it again. Then we drove to North Caroline from there. There wasn’t much traffic at all. In North Carolina the road were covering with water and only some sand. For dinner on Saturday we got carry at from Watermens Grill which was pretty good since I didn’t have lunch. I got a chicken quesadilla there. The chicken quesadilla were so yummy. I even got my own room and bathroom with it too and that was awesome.
On Sunday we went to go see the light house and we even got to see where the original light house was. The light house was move and place down in the new spot in 1999. The lighthouse was moved because the water was coming up to the light house especially with the high tide. We eat at Bro’s Sandwhich shop which was good. Mostly everyone got a sandwich call Cali Club which was good with some Sweet potatoes fries. Then we back the beach house. My brother Michael hooked his laptop to the tv so we could watch how the movie about the light house being move. It was interesting even though I couldn’t keep my eye open. I’m not usually like that but sometimes history is boring. I tried to watched it but I think I managed too. For dinner we had hamburgers which my dad made which were good. We also got ice cream on Sunday and it was good. The ice cream I got was a brownie sundae it was good. The ice cream place was called Village Corney ice cream & yogurt. On Sunday night the road was close off right by our beach house. The high tide come in and push the sand until the road was some water. Even though we were supposed to go over to my parents friend house on Monday but that didn’t happen.
On Monday for breakfast we have blueberry pancakes and they were good. My brother Michael and I walked on the beach on. We went to drive on the only part of the road u could go on. So we went to Duck Donut to go see them. My dad and I split a donut and the were fresh made and melt in your mouth. So we went back in there to get a dozen of donut for breakfast the next day. After that my mom, dad and I all played 5 crowns together. For dinner we had Nachos was were homemade by my dad.
On Tuesday we have the donuts for breakfast. My dad and I went into the hot tub since the road was still closed. A little bit later my mom decided to join us in the hot tub and Biscuit was laying on the corner of the hot tub. For dinner my mom wanted pizza but my brother Andrew couldn’t find pizza things. So instead we had steak. My brother Michael was like how are we supposed cut the steaks on paper plate. The steak were good. Then we went to a fishing pier to see how it was. The fishing pier was to movement a log for me and I not a fan of a lot of movement. That why Amy dad and I got ice cream from there which was good. My dad knew I wasn’t a fan of the movement of the pier. They had a acarde which had my mom game pinaball . It was a fun game.
On Wednesday I had another donut for breakfast. My mom,dad, Biscuit and I all walked on the beach together. The waves were coming so fast cause the waves went over Biscuit head and he didn’t like it. My dad and I went to FoodLion to look for dinner and we decided to do pizza. Food Lion shelf were empty, since the trucks couldn’t come down because the road was still closed. My dad and I got in the hot tub since the road was still closed. I got out of the hot tub and took a shower. So I could be ready for my sign language class. We had pizza for dinner. Then I went on to Zoom for Dinner Club since there was nothing to do. Then I had my Sign Language. During my Sugn Language class the power and internet went off but luckily it come back on pretty quick. As soon as I got my sentence in for sign language and stump some people even the teacher. They figure out but guess what. The power and internet went off again because the transform blow up in front of our house. Luckily when all that was going on. I message my friend through Instagram about what happened, so they weren’t worried what was going on. It finally came back on. The teacher was happy that I still came to class even though I was on vacation. I was able to finish my class.
On Thursday I had the last blueberry pancakes for breakfast. We were decide if we should go to our parents friend house or ferry because the road open at noon. We choose the ferry. If we were going to our parents friend house we should of been in our driveway a little before noon. Then we went to get the ferry to go to Ocracoke. We didn’t make it the first Ferry but we made it on the next ferry which was good. Even through our trucks were on the opposite of the ferry. My mom, my brother Andrew and his girlfriend Stacey saw pod of Dolphins. Lucky them. I was really hungry since we didn’t have lunch that day. We then we to eat at Ocracoke Oyster Company. It was one of the few restaurants open with food because the trucks could not get on the island for at least 4 days! I had Fish Taco for dinner and they were so good. Then I went on my Image center on zoom even through I was late. I had to use my mom phone because my phone was out of battery. As soon as I got on the zoom call the host Amanda was like, we were just talking about sign language. My friend, Ciara did a Lava Lamp experiment which was pretty cool. The last couple minutes we did a scavenger hunt. The objects were to found something round, soft and something to a picnic. I still participate even I was in the car. For the first round was found something round I said the air conditioning knob. Second round Something soft I said my dog, Biscuit. The last round was something to bring to a picnic I said a drink which was Root Beer. Since my brother Michael went to get drinks from my brother Andrew truck which had a cooler in the back. Them after that we finally got on the ferry and it was a smaller one this time. We exactly got to behind my brother Andrew truck this time. Then we got ice cream from Dairy Cream. I got a Limited time blizzard call Oreo Mocha Fudge and it was good. Biscuit got ice cream with a pup treat on it but he can’t eat the pup treat but guess who eat the pup treat. My brother Andrew eat it. Then we back to the house.
On Friday we finally we able to go visting our friends. It took half a hour to go to them because they were on the other side of the island. We stop at Kill Devil’s hill for lunch because they have the best hamburgers and they were pretty good but big. Good thing I split it was my dad. We rode on the beach cause that what my brothers wanted to do since you didn’t have to pay. It not a vacation if someone get stuck. Yes someone did get stuck it was my brother Michael truck that got stuck and something was leaking out too. He had a good idea to put some cold water by the overheated part. Lucky we had a cooler with water in it. Then we were fine. Then we went back to mrs. Julie beach house. Then some of us walked to the beach. Biscuit got to be in his friend Lily stroller and shocking he loved it. Then we went back to the Mrs. Julie beach house. We were trying to figure out what to do for dinner. I went with my brother, Andrew, his girlfriend Stacey and Mr. Mike to get seafood. We found a place them we dropped mr. Mike off to the house. We went to Harries Teetor for more food. We got sausages and hot dog. Stacey found some local wine there too. Andrew want a Mt. Dew to drink with dinner. Dinner was good. Biscuit sat next to me on the chair cause he want to get away from the dog, Tristan. Triston loves Biscuit smell. He was cozy and happy to be me. Then we left to go back to our beach house.
On Saturday we leaving the beach house. My brother, Michael and I stop at Duck Donut so I can get breakfast. I got a fan favorite called Beach ball which was good. I got strawberry milk to go with the donut. We all still had a good time even though we were trapped. We are thinking about coming back next year in a different area.
The next thing to look forward to is camping in Virginia.
From Our Beach House:
The Yummy Ice Cream Sundae & Yummy Donuts:
On our way to the Ferry:
On the Ferry. My dad took these:
Biscuit enjoying his stroller ride:
My breakfast on our way back home: