My Favorite Things

By: Deak

There are lots of things that make me feel happy, but I am always the most excited when I get to do or have the following things:

  1. My ipad.  I love my ipad.  I love to watch YouTube videos, and have even created my own file with my favorite videos (my mom doesn’t even know how to do this).  I love to play “Talking Ben” and “Talking Tom,” and I think it’s pretty funny to copy people when they are talking to me.
  2. Root beer and Pizza.  When I go out to eat with my family, I get very excited because I am allowed to have as much root beer as I want.  I love to sit next to my dad and sister and ask for my drink over, and over and over again.  I also love to eat food.  Pretty much any type of food; but my most favorite is pizza.  One time I ate ½ a pizza by myself!
  3. My sister, Abby.  My sister plays with me every single day.  Sometimes, she even reads me stories.  I like to sneak up behind hear and “body-slam” her when she doesn’t expect it.  Then, I laugh and laugh. She is my most favorite person in the world.

I am a happy dude, most of the time.  But, if I have my ipad, some good food, and my Abby…I’m in Heaven!

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