My Favorites
By: Mia
Favorite activity/hobby: Sewing and Baking
Favorite TV Show: Once Upon a Time
Favorite Movie: Zootopia
Favorite Type of Music: Pop
Favorite Subject in School: Science
Family Members: Siblings: Ava (6), Collin (11) Parents: Julie and Ian
Favorite Food: Chocolate Covered Pomegranates
Pets: Dog named Steele
Hi Ally!
My name is Angie, I’m from Charlotte, North Carolina. I go to Central Academy of Technology and Arts and I am a senior here in the medical academy! My favorite classes that I have taken here so far are psychology and sports medicine. I love to listen to all sorts of different music in almost every genre! I have never tried playing field hockey or lacrosse but I like playing sports too. In my medical class we are currently studying genetic disorders and I was wondering which one you had? Anyways, I have really enjoyed reading about you and learning about all your fun adventures! I hope you like your new college and congrats on graduating!