My mom, my dad and I all went camping in Westmoreland State Park, Virginia.

My mom, my dad and I all went camping in Westmoreland State Park, Virginia.

My mom, my dad and I all went camping in Westmoreland State Park, Virginia. We even got to bring our dog, Biscuit with us. We were meeting my parents friends and one of my friends there too. The people who went to camp with us were Mrs. Julie, Mr. Denis and their two dogs Tristan and Lily. Also there was Mr. Mike, Mrs. Fran and their granddaughter Angela. We left our house around 11 am on Friday October 30th. We made a quick stop at Wawa for my mom cause she was hungry. I got apples with peanut butter in case I needed a snack!. My mom and dad were surprised at my choice! We all met at Mr. Dennis’s work to drive together but in separate cars. After driving for awhile, we went to get lunch at Chick-fil-A. We finally made it to Westmoreland around 3pm. My dad and Mr. Dennis started the campfire which was nice and warm. Mr. Mike, Angela and I went to store to get some supplies they forgot to bring. For dinner we had chicken chili and hot dogs. It was nice to be together eating outside! We sat around the campfire for a little while longer. Then we all went to bed in our cabin.

Saturday October 31. For breakfast, my dad made Blueberry pancakes with Mr. Dennis’s homemade Blueberry syrup. And of course with bacon and sausage! Breakfast was delicious! We all learned from Angela about pocket bacon. Angela would wrap her bacon in foil and put in her pocket to snack on later. We decorated my cabin with some cool Halloween lights to get into the Halloween spirit! Then some of us took a walk to the beach to look for shark teeth. There were way too many people on that beach. So we decided to turn back around.

On our way back, the group spilt up two times. Mr. Dennis had Tristan and was waiting for everyone at a bench near the top of the hill. Angela, my mom, Biscuit and I were the next to get to the bench followed by my dad, Mrs. Julie, Mr. Mike who said they were “bird watching” when they finally got to the bench. We all start walking again. Angela and I passed my dad, Mrs. Julie and Mr. Mike on the trail. Mr. Dennis, Tristan, Angela, my mom, Biscuit and I made it to the end of the trail and we were waiting AGAIN! My dad, Mrs. Julie and Mr. Mike said they were birds watching again.!

After our hike, we carved our pumpkins. I loved carving my pumpkin. Everyone’s pumpkin turned out cool! While everyone else was sitting by the fire, my dad took me, Biscuit and Lily to the camp office so I could FaceTime my cousin Symphony and my aunt. I wanted to show Symphony something cool that I got for Halloween. Biscuit and Lily loved the little car ride.

After the call, we went back to the cabin to get ready for the Chromosome 18 Virtual Halloween Party. Everyone had a blast dancing. My friend Remy’s mom said “ I want to party with the Parkers.” I’m glad we were able to do that because we weren’t sure if we would have service. Lucky for mrs. Julie’s hotspot we were able to get on it. We walked around the camp to see if anybody was outside so we could give them candy. We found a few groups who were having their own Halloween festivities and who enjoyed our treats!

It was Mrs. Julie’s turn to cook dinner and my mom was her assistant. Mrs. Julie made spaghetti with meatballs. The meatballs looked like eyeballs! We also had witches fingers ( breadsticks shaped into fingers with almonds for fingernails.

While dinner was being prepared, Angela and I decorated our Haunted House Gingerbread. It was fun decorating but the icing was hard to get out of the bag. Even my dad had a hard time with the icing. After dinner we sat by the campfire and relaxed. We all went to bed after awhile. It was a busy but fun day!

Sunday November 1st. Mrs. Fran brought fixings to make French toast. The French toast was made with delicious raisin bread ! My dad cooked the French toast on the grill. As soon as we got done eating, it started pouring down rain. We decided to work on Mrs. Fran’s fall craft which was a scarecrow made from a mason jar. Step 1 was to paint the jar.

While the jars were drying Mrs. Fran, Mr. Mike, Angela and I all went to the grocery store. While the rest of the group including the dogs went to the Antique shop. Mrs. Julie was the only who found a antique night table with a marble top. By the time everyone was back at camp, the rain had stopped. We had leftover spaghetti for lunch and rosemary popcorn.

My mom wanted to walk the trail to the beach that had 175 steps . My dad, Mrs. Julie and Mr. Dennis went with her. The smart people and the dogs to stay behind. I wasn’t going to do the steps after the rain. I was worried they were going to be too slippery for me. Mr. Mike went back to his cabin. Mrs. Fran, Angela, Lily , Biscuit and I all went into my cabin to finish our scarecrow. Lily was exploring around the cabin while Biscuit was barking and crying up a storm. So I decided to put Biscuit on my lap and he settled down. The Scarecrows turned out pretty cool.

We had a Thanksgiving feast for dinner…turkey, gravy, mashed potatoes, stuffing salad and cranberry sauce. YUM!!!After dinner, Angela and I went inside my cabin to get glow sticks ready for everyone. Mrs. Julie put her glow stick around Tristan. Mrs. Julie told Mr. Dennis to put his glow stick around Lily so we could find Lily in the dark. Biscuit was in his bed asleep by the campfire. I said “we have to have s’mores on our last night”. Mrs. Julie was so happy about making s’mores. My dad ruined Mrs. Julie two marshmallows and she was yelling at him. My mom was wondering what was going on. My dad toasted Mrs. Julie two more marshmallows to replace the ones he ruined!Then my dad and Mrs. Julie were playing Chubby Bunny. My dad just keep handing Mrs. Julie the marshmallows to put in her mouth, but my dad wasn’t putting any marshmallows in his mouth! Mrs. Julie won the Chubby Bunny challenge. We sit by the fire for a little bit longer. Then we all went to our cabins to go to bed.

On Monday November 2nd. We had leftover blueberry pancakes. With the rest of bacon, sausage and potatoes leftover. Angela and I had some hot chocolate. It was time to say good bye to our Jack o Lanterns. Some of us burned them in the fire. And some of us rolled them down the cliff behind our cabin. I put my Haunted Gingerbread house in the fire. Then we pack the rest of our stuff up and headed home.

It was a fun weekend that went by way too fast. Everyone, including me, is ready to go back next year.

Next thing to looking forward to is Tennessee.

Trying to keep him calm and stop bark

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