My not so usual birthday next month.

By: Zach

So my birthday is next month and normally I love my birthday cause usually if i am home i would go to my favorite chinese restaurant with my family, but not this year but with covid and all that it gonna be a small one this year. Got my package present from my grandparents and a pair of headphones I’m getting from my mother and father a game I want called animal crossing new horizon, and i’m contemplating on getting yoshi’s crafty world but then i was talking to my brother about it and i am now having second thoughts Im now thinking of doom eternal or another one not to sure as of yet. But it is a little bit of a disappointment this year, gonna be a small one and with the social distancing it’s gonna be hard but whatever. 

One Comment

  1. Positive Exposure April 24, 2020 at 1:19 pm - Reply

    And we will all be here celebrating your birthday with you!!

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