My Stander
By: Graydon
This was a very exciting two weeks for me. Not only did I have an awesome Christmas with my family but I finally got the stander that my mom ordered 8 long months ago. I have a stander at school that I can use but mom wanted one for home. One that I can use in the summer and over breaks, like the break now for Christmas. But she had to fight with the insurance company for a few months before they would approve it for me. I finally have it now and mom got a lot of cool toys for me to play with while I’m in there. I’m sure some of you don’t know what a stander is so I’ll tell you a little about it. I can’t stand on my own so I usually use a wheelchair to get around. But because I don’t use my legs a lot, they can get weak. So the stander helps position my body and puts weight on my legs so that my muscles can work and stay strong so that maybe, one day, I can stand for a little bit on my own. I really like my stander too because I can finally stand like my sister and parents. It’s pretty cool. Here’s a picture of me in my new stander. There’s also one of me with my sister. She likes reading to me and playing with my toys too. Happy New Year everyone!