My Weekend

This was a rough weekend for me but it ended on a good note.  Friday my mom left for a weekend in NYC so it was just me, my dad, and my sister home this weekend.  And on Friday night I started feeling sick.  And when I get sick, I get really sick.  So I didn’t feel so hot most of the weekend.  But on Saturday night I finally slept for the first time in 24 hrs.  I went to sleep at 4pm and woke up the next morning at 8am.  It felt great.  I was much better by the time my mom got home later that day so I was able to go with my whole family to my Pop’s 60th birthday!  We had a great time.  We went to an amusement center that had go-karts, a bouncy house, laser tag, and lots of arcade games.  My sister won me a ball and a little rubber duck.

This past Monday, we celebrated Rare Disease Day.  One of my friends made me this really cool photo to share on social media.  I also got to take a day off of school on Tuesday.  Not really for super fun things, just a dentist appointment and a haircut, but then I got to spend the rest of the day hanging out and just chilling with my mom.

I’m starting to get really excited for spring.  Mom and I like to go for walks through the neighborhood once the weather gets nice and before it gets too hot.  I’m so over this snow and cold.

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