New Course

So I added this course. I’ll go the first day and see if I like it.  Here is the description…

French 488WR: Urban Love and Modern Experience

Content: In 19th and 20th century French literature, the city of Paris is not merely a setting in which textual action transpires: the ‘city of dreams’ as Baudelaire called it becomes instead a text that must be read. Paris emerges as a character capable of motivating events and making history. By reading a selection of literary, filmic, and architectural “tableaux parisiens,” we will explore how modern conceptions of life, love, and history come into being and how the inner lives of the city’s inhabitants are shaped by the urban spaces in which they unfold. Primary texts may include selections of works by: Balzac, Baudelaire, Flaubert, Vallès, Huysmans, Zola, Aragon, Walter Benjamin, and Jean-Luc Godard. This course will be taught in French.

Required Texts:

Baudelaire: Les Fleurs du mal Folio Classique 2070466655

Baudelaire: Le Spleen de Paris 2070437272

Balzac.  Ferragus ; La fille aux yeux d’or 2081324741

Balzac. Le Père Goriot 2070409341

Flaubert.  L’Education sentimentale 208070432X GF

Zola, La Curée (folio classique) 2070411419

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