New Wheelchair

New Wheelchair

Another big week for me.  I finally got a new wheelchair!!!  My mom ordered it way back in Dec and I finally came this week.  I got red this time.  I was a little bored of the blue.  It’s much bigger, so it will take a little getting used to but it’s much more comfortable.  I also got a nice, sister free week with my dad.  My mom took my sister on a trip up to Niagara Falls but since I just went to TX for a week, I stayed home with Dad so that I didn’t miss anymore school.  It was so nice and quiet and I loved getting some one on one time with my dad.  Usually my sister is quite the attention hog.  Monday was field day, we were the red team so I guess it was lucky that I got my new wheelchair in time and I had a great time.  The local high school marching band came and played for us.  I love any kind of music so I was very happy to have them come perform for us.  Only a few more weeks of school left and then off to summer vacation!

New Wheelchair

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