No School Again!
By: Rebecca P
I went to back to school on Thursday, January 2, 2014. This was probably the longest Christmas/Holiday break I have ever had. I had a nice Christmas break. During my time off, I spent some time with my Aunt Ann. We went shopping and helped her wrap presents. She also let me practice my cooking skills by letting me make Rice Krispie treats and brownies by myself! They were good! I also went with my mom and Aunt Ann to see my grandmother in Delaware. I have to say the trip was boring. I could not wait to get home.
It was good to going back to school and getting into a routine. I also missed seeing my friends. Then on January 3nd (Friday) we got the day off of school for snow. On Thursday, one of my English teachers said “Sleep In.” Then yesterday, Monday, January 6th we got a 2 hours delay because of fog. That kinda seemed stupid because most of the snow had melted and there was no fog! My mom even said when she got up around 5am, she did not see any fog! My bus driver has driven in fog before!
Today, January 7, we are off AGAIN because of the very cold weather. I am mad we did not have school today. Today was going to be the first day of bowling!
I don’t want anymore days off. I only have one more day to be off before the school starts taking away my spring break! I would rather enjoy the days off when it is warm and I can be outside not when it is cold and windy!