Owen’s Halloween
By: Owen

Trick or Treat!
Hey everyone. October was a super busy month with a family vacation, sewing up all the Halloween costumes, and a whole week worth Halloween fun! I’ll write about our trip in the next post.
Today, I want to share about Halloween. Boo!
To start off the festivities we went to a pumpkin patch to pick our own pumpkins. This place was the real deal, on a farm, where we had to walk out into the field and literally cut our own pumpkins off the vine! It was pretty exciting. Owen made sure to pick just the right one too, he kept stopping and checking out pumpkins before he settled on his. I’m not really sure what his criteria was, but he certainly knew when he found “the one.”
I decided a while ago about our costumes. I will be heartbroken when Owen becomes too embarrassed of dressing up with his mommy and daddy but since he still doesn’t seem to care what our costumes are I get to pick. And this year we went as characters from MY favorite book when I was Owen’s age, “Where the Wild Things Are!” Owen was of course Max, king of the wild things, and his daddy and I were his loyal subjects.
Our next outing was going to our local amusement park for Hallowboo! It’s a lot of fun to ride all the rides in our costumes! They also have trick or treating in Storybook forest. Last year Owen didn’t really understand the concept, he would get a treat, look at it very carefully then walk right back up and give it back. This year, he caught on pretty quickly and wanted to eat ALL the candy as fast as he was getting it!
The next day we decided to give real Trick or Treating a try. Owen had never gone door to door trick or treating. When he was a baby we took him around to a few houses just to show him off but this was new. I was nervous but I didn’t need to be! Our town has a costume contest at the local skating rink, Owen won third place for most original costume! Then we went all over town getting candy. Owen thought it was fantastic! Of course his Daddy did all the work of dragging the wagon door to door. Obviously, his cousin had to get in on that good deal and rode along too!
When we got home we painted pumpkins!
The next night there was a party at our library. Owen wasn’t so sure about participating… until he learned, pretty quickly, that candy was being handed out at the end of every activity! Suddenly he was very pleased to be at the Halloween party. The final event of the night was the character parade! Each kid got to show off his or her costume. Owen was very proud to show his off!
Later in the week we went to a Halloween parade. Owen had never been in a parade before and he really loved it. There was a local marching band and he loved the music. We didn’t win any prizes but couldn’t even be sad because the little Cinderella who dressed her wheelchair up like a carriage stole everyone’s hearts!
On Halloween Day a church nearby hosted Trunk or Treat. It seemed like a fun activity for the last day of celebrating. And we obviously needed more candy!
After such a fun filled couple of weeks we are happy to just relax this week! I hope you all had a great Halloween too!