Pow Wow

By: Grace

Pow Wow

Hi all!

I just finished Pow Wow which is my school’s musical theater.  We did Fiddler on the Roof.  I loved being in the musical. It was so much fun. But it was a lot of hard work too. The last week of rehearsals we rehearsed until 11pm.  I was soooo tired.  We had 4 performances.  There was a cast party but I was too tired to even go.  Here is a picture of the play. I was a townsperson, a spirit, and a bagel seller.  I loved singing all of the songs.  They choreographed me in my wheelchair which really great.  Here is a picture from one of the performances.

I don’t think I will try out for the spring play. I want to get back to horseback riding.

School is good but now we are getting ready for all kinds of required tests. I don’t like taking these tests.  They are hard and boring.

I am doing a research project in English. It is a lot of work.

How are all of you?  What do you like to do in your free time?

Pow Wow

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