Pre-birthday blog

By: Zach

Today as I’m writing this on the eve of my last night of being 27 but that’s besides the fact. Today I pulled a joke on my mother by pretending to hitchhike. She texted me and told me she was driving to trader joes and I should have tiktoked it but I wasn’t thinking at the moment but then I don’t really have a brain at times but whatevers clever as they would say. I can’t believe I’m going to be 28 tomorrow. I feel so old, well they do say you’re not getting any younger and that’s that. So tomorrow will be my first post as a 28 year old, happy almost birthday to me. Sorry for not having much to say, but sometimes you do and sometimes you don’t.

One Comment

  1. Positive Exposure May 6, 2020 at 10:53 am - Reply

    Happy Birthday Zach!!!!!!

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