Pre-vacation blog
By: Zach
First off let me start off by saying this as I’ll probably be awake all night because of pre vacation hype. And I’ll be looking forward to Martha’s vineyard and all of the exciting things I’ll be doing and all that. My favorite vacation spot since forever, and my family is coming and I forgot to mention I’m leaving at a crazy hour of 5:00 in the morning like I do every single year. But I’m looking forward to the ferry ride over and eating at my favorite diner called the art cliff diner getting pancakes and other diner goodies and hopefully getting their specials and all that. smelling the salty air of the ocean and all that. Like there is always something about the island that always has this sense of renewal to me so familiar but yet the same if you all get what i’m saying. And also my mother said we will possibly do something we never do is get ice cream on day one. But yeah by the time I fall asleep it’ll be time to wake up and hit the road to woods hole and hit up the ferry terminal. But we all show our excitement in different forms and for me it just one big adrenaline rush of excitement and the only thing that keeps my trap shut is music and all that and I have a friend coming to and she’s driving out with us tomorrow as well alongside our pre breakfast of bagels and my mother is not a fan of an early breakfast, but she eats anyway just saying and that saying the least of it right there. I’m wrapping this one up right here and gonna be doing more writing from the island and so for those who actually read my blogs that is and stay tuned for more. Eight hours and counting down till I hit the road so happy and excited for another year on martha’s vineyard.