Prom & Eagle Scout

By: Byron

A few weeks ago I had the busiest weekend I think I’ll have all year. I had my prom dates birthday party I had to go to on Friday, I had prom on Saturday and on Sunday all of my family came to town for my eagle scout ceremony. Friday night was fun because of the party I went to. It was my prom dates birthday party. There were lots of people there that I had never met, which made it quite awkward for me. I ended up most of the night going back and forth from the mini bar where I got coke. It got to a point where the lady saw me walking over from a distance and had my drink ready by the time I got there. I also danced with my prom date and her friends for a little while.

The next day was prom my date came over at 4 in the afternoon. We took pictures and then hung out for an hour and a half before heading to my school to catch a bus into Boston where the prom was. The actual prom was very interesting. Because I’ve never been to one before I didn’t know what to expect. It was fun to be with my date, but it ended up being crowded and very loud. I danced with her a little bit, but most of the time we were talking with my friends. We then got the bus back to my school at 11:15 PM.

The following day was fun. It was my Eagle Scout ceremony where a bunch of my family came in to see me receive my award. It was interesting because my mom and my dad were there and unfortunately they didn’t want to interact with each other even though this was such a big event. I feel I worked very hard for this achievement and I am happy that I achieved it and can now be seen as an Eagle Scout.

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