Quarantined lifestyle and my thoughts on all this
By: Zach
So the world we live in is in a state of isolation and we are required to do so little in our life as of now until we hear otherwise from state officials. But to me it’s a time of solitude and for me to write and catch up on tv shows that I am behind on. Getting lost in music is my escape to life, but it is what it is and constant struggles with my family and more. Being in this day and age the way i look at it is the 21st century holocaust minus the war and the gas chambers but the only similarities are millions are dying world wide. And that’s hard for their families, but the front lines are doing what they can to help them survive through the pandemic. Food and toilet paper are flying off the shelves like it’s nothing, food for that matter not to mention cleaning and sanitation products as well. So yeah it’s a scary moment for some more so for others, and imagine the people in the frontline harder on them cause theyre witnessing it up front and up close to the patient that has it. I’m trying to fight through it but us as americans will get through this together