Response to Comments!!

By: Talia

Hi Everyone!
It’s Talia and I’m literally back from Northwood for 7 weeks! Here’s the questions/answers that my followers on PEARLS asked me:

1. I would describe an ordinary day for me is walking my emotional support dog, Bo into town!!!
2. My best friends are Katie Sheehy (Sharing the Arts) and Kimberly Links (Banyan High School). Katie Sheehy is like a sweetheart to me. Kimberly Links is like a “helpful girly girl.”
3. I would describe my personality are independence, patience, creativity, outgoing, full of laughter and energetic!
4. I would have to say my role/idol would have to be Jessie Paege (from Youtube) because is a fangirl just like me and a dancing queen just like me!
5. If I had a billion dollars, I would go to Paris, France and see the Eiffel Tower!

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