Rodeo Houston
By: Mia

During spring break, I went to the rodeo to show my pig, Hamilton. I had been preparing for this since day one, but it was still nerve-wracking, after all I was going to one of the hardest livestock shows in the State of Texas! We loaded up the pigs in the trailer and went to the NRG center (where the show is held) on Tuesday morning. We got there and prepped for the show all day that day by weighing the pigs and walking them periodically. The next day was the day I would show Hamilton and I was very nervous, because I had never shown in front of so many people and judges before. We hung around until about 12 and I began prepping for the show. I weighed, bathed, and walked Hamilton. Doing these things made me even more nervous, because Hamilton wasn’t walking as good as I wanted him to. This was making me frustrated. Then it was already time for the show. I walked Hamilton over to the show area and we went into a waiting pen. Next, we went out to the first judge. That judge sent me to the second judge, who sent me to an area called the dead sea. The dead sea is where the judges think they might like you, so they put you there to wait just so they don’t accidentally miss a pig they like. Sadly, I didn’t make it past that area. After the dead sea, Hamilton got sent to the truck. I was really upset when he left, because I felt like I didn’t have enough time to say goodbye. Even though the ending was sad, I still had an amazing experience and I can’t wait to do it again starting this summer.