Running in a tutu and more..

By: Erica

Running in a tutu and more..

Sometimes I wonder if I’ve taken on mission impossible by wanting to RUN a half marathon, my feet are only small, my lungs aren’t always the best, sometimes I feel like I am going nowhere fast, but then I stop and look back to where I have come from, I could barely run from one power pole to the next, i was always getting sick, my diet was anything sugary or fast food and I had a inhaler for seasonal asthma, now I can run 5km without stopping, haven’t used the inhaler in a year, used the drs for a ear infection and to keep a eye in my iron and my diet on the most part is minus sugar and takeaways! Couldn’t do all this without the support of my trainer Josh Cooper Personal Training Andy Walmsley who runs a epic Tuesday night run class and Lisa Tamati Endurance Athlete and the #runninghotcoaching team, I know that I will make it over that finish line in March running my heart and soul to the end!

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