School and Spring Break


This past week was MIDTERM WEEK. In fact, I learned 41 guitar and ukulele songs.

Learning those songs was overwhelming, but I’m thankful that I’m done with my ukulele check up and both of my guitar midterms. ???????? I was pretty wiped out by the end of that week!

However I still got to hang out with friends before break started. There were a few fun times of studying together and goofing off. ???????????? The first picture is of my friend Emily and I hanging out and sending a Snapchat to Annika who is in my cohort. The picture of all of us playing guitar and ukulele is at the health center, where each of us have to play three half hours of hours of guitar throughout the semester. ???????? The picture with my stuff strewn out across the table is of me getting ready for spring break.????☕✏????

On break I have slept a lot! ????I have also worked on some of my research projects for the next half of my semester. We get out May 7th. I got to hang out with my friend Shelbi as she was house-sitting, so I have some pictures of that adorable little kitty. ???????? I got a few things organized, got my glasses adjusted, ????  and caught up with some of the staff at my old university. ???? I am starting a couple of new piano students mid-semester, and I’m looking forward to growing my studio more in the summer. ???? My overall highlight is spending time with friends, which I have done and still will do before break is totally over! I wish break could go longer, but I know I will learn a lot in the next couple of months.

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