School’s Out!
By: Graydon

Well school is finally out!! I get to spend one week home just chilling with mom and then next week I will go back to school for ESY. ESY stands for Extended School Year and they offer it to kids like me who need instruction throughout the year or I risk regressing in some of my skills. The good thing is that it’s only 4 days a week from 8:30-11:30 instead of a full week. I’ll do that for 4 weeks and then have most of August off. I’ve had my new wheelchair for about a month now and about two weeks ago my PT (physical therapist) mentioned that she thought it was already too small. My mom kind of thought that too but this is only the second wheelchair I’ve ever had so she wasn’t sure if that’s just the way this new chair was supposed to fit or not. So, long story short, I need ANOTHER new wheelchair. Ugh. Hopefully this one won’t take as long to get though. I’m really looking forward to relaxing this summer and spending some time with my family. Here’s a photo of me showing my support for Orlando with my rainbow shirt and one of me on my last day of 3rd grade in my Super 18 shirt. Have a great summer!