Scotsdale, AZ

By: Byron

Scotsdale, AZ

This past weekend I made the trek up from Tucson to Scottsdale where I explored the city. Although I have lived in Tucson for the past three years, I have never been to Scottsdale so I thought I’d check it out. It ended up being incredibly fun. I walked around part of Old Town Scottsdale on Saturday while on Sunday I made the trip to the outskirts of town where I went to see Taliesin West which was Frank Lloyd Wrights winter house in Arizona. Although, I was not fond of it as much as Falling Waters in Pennsylvania, which he designed, it was very cool to see what he liked personally and where he wanted to live. It was also very cool as my grandmother was an architect who was taught by one of Wright’s apprentices and so a lot of the design in this house was similar to the house my grandmother designed and built for herself in the Detroit area.  

One Comment

  1. Elizabeth October 8, 2018 at 3:23 pm - Reply

    Amazing photographs. Well done!

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