Selling our house!

By: Mary B

Selling our house!

So, our family is moving! Yes, during this weird time of Covid-19!  We live in the Grand Rapids, MI area. We moved here from Ohio for my husband’s job.

When we relocated, I was focused on a location best for my children’s schools. After years of really struggling advocating for appropriate support for my son, I am closing this chapter and moving on…for our family. I’m not giving up! I am choosing to not settle for less than what my son deserves as a human being.  

I want my kids to be in a community that embraces and nurtures uniqueness, individual strengths and talents; a place where weaknesses are supported as the strengths are growing.  I crave diversity and inclusion for them; for our unique family. Inclusion to me, is when a person is organically contributing to the culture of their community in the ways they best flourish. It is the opposite of fitting into any mold.

Inclusion to me is like each person being an integral color/texture of an intricate tapestry.

Each thread is deeply woven into the beauty of a shared piece of art. Each person/each color belongs. Each person adds their own flare to create something so magnificent, that the more you look at the piece, the more you connect with the unique beauty of each color and each texture.  Anyone can connect to the way individual elements evoke emotions and appreciation for the collective work of art. An entire community complimenting each other’s unique attributes, is what inclusion is to me. Inclusion to me, is where anyone can feel content, rooted and seen for who they truly are.  

My husband and I are looking forward to our family growing in this new community, amongst the beautiful landscape of rolling hills and mature trees. To me, the winding roads through towering trees feels like a welcome each time we drive to our new home. Immersed in nature is where I feel most me!


“Picking up the “pending” sign for our current house that sold instantly, with the help of our realtor and friend, Emily. We are in front of her beautiful house in this picture.”


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