Some of my favorite photos/memories in nature that I’ve captured blog post

By: Mary B

Some of my favorite photos/memories in nature that I’ve captured blog post

I’ve always enjoyed being in the moment and present of the beauty around me. I feel like it’s God’s way of speaking to my best me and trying to keep me grounded in that state, despite what life challenges and circumstances may be going on. I started taking photos on walks and outings with my son when he wasn’t able to talk yet. We’d go home and relive our day by me talking to him about the pictures and what our senses experienced. I think that routine played an integral part of how he began talking.  We got him an iPod touch on his 4th birthday to use as a communication device. I put familiar photos of things that motivated him like food, people, his favorite toys, etc. I started slowly and then I couldn’t keep up with how his speech took off. The first day he got his “voice”, he “said” (used the icon) for the heart symbol that spoke “I love you”. I haven’t stopped taking pictures of the beauty around me ever since. It grounds me and reminds me of what is important in life…SLOWING down and being present.

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