Summer Break

Summer Break

So it’s been a while, and I’m sorry for being MIA.  I still can’t get over the fact that I’m half way through my masters degree.  The semester just got crazy from April until the end. After my final exams, I just started packing and moving and finished by Saturday.  And I really needed a week off. I spent some time with friends during the week and just really binge watched TV….

I’m in Atlanta for the summer until I move into my new apartment in August.  I will have a week before classes, but I’ve already been told I need to be at the new graduate student orientation (because I’m now secretary for our Graduation Student Organization in the department).
My plans for the summer are very light.  I will just start reading my list for my masters exit exam and read over my new French textbook in the fall.  I will be teaching FREN 1001 instead because it is the normal pace for a college French course and sometimes you just need to know your limits.  I will be teaching two sections on my own.
In terms of running, I am still running but, I was unable to race because of my workload so hopefully I can schedule something that doesn’t conflict with my schedule.i also got myself an early birthday present, an Apple Watch.  I can’t wait to see what it can do.
Otherwise that is all of the updates I have for now.  ????

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