Summer Ending

Summer Ending

My summer break will be coming to an end on the 27th.  I have not worked in the lab much because I think I’m allergic to something in there…

I’m really bored so I’ve decided to teach myself a new language.  At first I started Italian when I cane back. Then I stopped and started another language called Esperanto.  After that I decided to try Hebrew again, but it’s really hard to write.  When the school year starts again I won’t have time to focus on a new language because I’ll be taking French.  I really want to maintain my level in French so I still use it every day mostly in reading a writing.  I wish I was bilingual already. :)

Summer Ending 1

I’ve found this is a fun app called duolingo, it helps leaning languages fun. It’s actually addicting…

Summer Ending 2

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