Summer Job

By: Byron

Today was my last day for a while of visiting colleges.  Over the vacation I visited Umass Amherst, Penn State, Rutgers, Quinnipiac, Brandeis, Bentley, Regis college, Emmanuel, Northeastern, Lasell, and Uconn.  Many of these schools I’m sure you have not heard of, but they are all up and down the east coast.  At this point my first three choices are Bentley University in Waltham, MA, which is right outside Boston.  Northeastern, which is in the heart of Boston.  My third choice would either be Uconn or Penn State.  It’s hard to say which one I like better because I liked the feeling and thought I could fit in at both.  Other than looking at colleges this week I also was able to secure a job over the summer where I will work for 6 – 7 hours every weekday getting paid $10 an hour.  The place I am going to be working is a marketing firm called Simply Direct, which makes surveys for large companies.  They work with companies such as HP.  After meeting with executives of the company and learning what they want their survey to be about and who to send it to, they then create the survey and send it out to the certain people in a certain division of the large company.  While working there I will be mostly doing things on the computer, which may consist of data transferring or re-designing their website.  I will also sit in with calls with the CEO and other executives where I will take notes for them.  I am very excited and looking forward to working this summer along with making a little money.

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