By: Portia

Hello everyone! I hope everything is going well for you. I wanted to recap my summer of 2024!



  • It took super long to get my license because of complications, but I finally got it! I also recently got my car, a 2024 Silver Taos. She’s perfect. I named her Sandi with and I cause she’s a cool girl



  • It was my birthday July 16th, and I turned 17. I hung out with some friends at the Cheesecake Factory. My parents also got me a record player because I’ve been getting into record collecting.



  • Of course, with summer comes summer work. I’m taking 3 APs and it is not easy. However, for my AP Liturature class, I red a book called “Never Let Me Go”, which was so good. It about the ethics of cloning and the value of human life



  • My family went in two vacations this summer. First, we went to Montana, which was so beautiful. My brother, dad, and I all went ziplining in the mountains, which was so fun.
  • We also went to the beach, which was not so fun. For some reason, my skin just does not react right when I’m surrounded by saltwater and sand.


  • Worked super hard this summer at my jobs. I was a camp counselor at two different institutions. One at my school, and one in the next town over. It was very hectic, but I had some friends to help me out so it wasn’t too bad. Made some money to go fall shopping.

Anyways, that’s my summer recap. See y’all soon!

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