
By: Byron

My shoulder hurts every time I sneeze. I just sneezed and now it hurts.

Well, any way I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving a few weeks ago I know mine was great. The last few weeks have been very fun and busy for me. A few weeks ago I went to NYC to visit my sister who goes to collage in the city it was very fun. It was the weekend that “Catching Fire” came out and my sister and I were counting down the days until it came out because we are big fans of the Hunger Games series. While in the city my sister and I walked along the Hudson River until we reached an aircraft carrier that we went on the last time I was there about a month earlier. It was about four miles from her dorm room to where we crossed over because my sister wanted to find a Starbucks. We then walked to Rockefeller Center where we were going to see the tree but it was covered up so we didn’t see a lot of it. We then went to FAO Schwarz for about two hours, which was a lot of fun. We then headed to Times Square to see the movie “Catching Fire” which was very fun.

Thanksgiving for me was very exciting I stayed up for twenty five hours. I stayed up that long because I had thanksgiving dinner, which consisted of two slices of turkey and avocado. Most of the day was spent going through circulars for all the stores that we were planning on going to that night for Black Friday. At around 6 pm my dad and I left our house and went to New Hampshire where all the stores were opening at 8 pm on Thanksgiving night. We then went to Macy’s to get something and then spent about an hour in the checkout line. We then drove back to Massachusetts where we went to Target and waited to get an iPad Air which was an early birthday present from my dad. My birthday was yesterday.

Today after school people from Best Buy will be dropping off a 65 inch TV which in the next few weeks we are planning to put it next to our 70 inch TV so when Sunday Night Football is on we can have two games going on at the same time. I’m looking forward to it. That’s it for now.

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