This is Ethel!
By: Arielle

I’m currently in Alabama, but I will make a video in the future. I am also returning to Atlanta soon. I’m traveling from one house to another. Unfortunately, I’m stuck in a house where one of my dogs won’t stop barking, so I thought I would save everyone’s ears from my yappy Chihuahua.
This is Ethel and she isn’t to fond of strangers. Luckily, I’m only with the chihuahuas or all the dogs would chime in with her. Since there are painters outside every day, she feels the need to « protect » my family. I will probably make a new video within the next month or two because I’m going to have to update my bio …again…
Compared to Georgia, Alabama does not have as many cases (from what I have read so far). The city of Atlanta has shut down a lot of restaurants and businesses. I believe one can only order take-out from restaurants. Basically, we just need to leave the house for essentials. Otherwise, hunker down…
Anyways, I am social distancing (like everyone else). Even though I don’t think I will personally be effected by the coronavirus itself (i.e. I am not considered at risk of have a compromised immune system), but I am related to someone who is more vulnerable to COVID-19. I want to make sure that I will not transmit the disease to others who may be more vulnerable. I really think the best way to flatten the curve is to follow the CDC guidelines. That being said, I really leave the house to go grocery shopping and I wash my hands more often.
I think one of the most difficult aspects of staying at home is staying occupied. I’m notorious to keep myself extremely busy. Coincidentally, I don’t have a lot to do. I’m trying to keep myself busy, especially now because I can continuously check the statuses of all my law school apps that are in progress. I consider myself extremely fortunate because I can take time off without worrying too much about work, but I know that may not be the case for everyone.
I bought a lot of books through Amazon (Kindle of course) and I am a student at Hadley school for the blind to take Braille courses… However,in reality, part of me wants to be lazy, I literally just binge watch shows on Netflix/Amazon Prime. I can run outside while still following social distancing. I am in an area where there aren’t a lot of people to begin with… I also started biking in my free time.
There are some ways that the coronavirus has changed my life (like everyone else). My dogs are probably very happy to see me at home all the time…
First, it seems that the admissions process is affected especially for those who have not taken the LSAT and plan to apply for fall 2020. I was lucky to take the February exam (and I’m not going to take it anytime soon), but the March and (most likely) April exam are canceled. It seems the schools are responding a bit slower than usual as well. One school has responded already with a huge scholarship offer, but it doesn’t seem like they will be extending the first seat deposit (unlike many other schools). I hope they reconsider… I’m going to listen to a webinar later this week to see how admissions are going to adapt to this situation. My guess is that I will have a better idea by April. Second, I’m not sure if I will have online classes in the fall considering most schools have gone this route. If I do, I may not have to worry about moving so quickly (which could be a plus!).
In addition, I decided to offer tutoring lessons. I had someone contact me because they were looking for a French tutor who happens to be walking distance, however, I will most likely do everything will probably be done online or over the phone. Otherwise, it seems like a lot of events are either going virtual or changing dates. I now have a virtual 5K (that originally was suppose to be in person on April 11th) and another that was postponed (date TBD).
I was going to start studying for a French proficiency exam (basically something similar to TOFEL), but I don’t know if they will change their dates for the June exam period. Some are just waiting to see what happens. This is the case for NOAH’s conference in July as well as Peachtree Road Race. Otherwise, a lot of the events that I would do are going virtual, which I think will benefit everyone in the long run.
Stay amazing and stay home!