This week!

This week!

This week was a bit hectic at best.

By Friday I had to proctor a French and exam and then run to go take my other exam through DRC.  One of my students saw me go to the testing center, but I am not sure if she thought I was there to take an exam myself. ????

At the end of all the tests, I grabbed lunch and then went to take one of my friends to get a cinnamon bun at Cinnaholic. (It is literally right next to my apartment for next year……….). After I took a bit of a break I started grading exams…. I am almost done grading, but I have to start reading all my assigned readings, prepare to teach on Monday, and finish up my crossroads presentation.  So much for a relaxing weekend!

Also I got my Positive Exposure gear in the mail yesterday. ????

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