Tis the craziest time of year!!

Hi everyone. How have you guys been? I’ve been busy for a while, so I’m very sorry about not blogging regularly. Since I last wrote I opened and closed the best show I have ever done. I have gone to NYC twice (one trip was dreadful) and have been to the E.R. My family also adopted two more rabbits- a bonded pair, Timmee and Flopsy. Life really has been crazy.

A Christmas Carol opened mid November and closed early December. I made so many memories (friends too) and it was the hardest show I ever had to close. I miss it and everyone involved like crazy.

In the middle of A Christmas Carol’s run I went to New York with my mom for a MRI that she needed to go under anesthesia for. I got to see School of Rock the musical for the second time and it was absolutely incredible! 10 days after we adopted Timmee and Flopsy (my sisters did not know yet, it was going to be a holiday present) Flopsy unfortunately passed. She was only 3 and had blood clots that eventually led to a heart attack. The worst part was that I saw her die, and I was the one to realize she had stopped breathing. Less than a month later I had bonded Timmee with Charlie, that way neither of them were to be lonely. Recently I went to NYC again and I really did not enjoy the trip. Since we got there I had a cough, sore throat, headache, and both of my ears ached as well. We only were really at three places: the hotel, hospital, and the bus to get there and back. The day after I came back from NYC I went to the E.R. for severe abdominal pain. My parents and I were afraid it might be appendicitis. After 6+ hours in the hospital, an ultrasound, blood work, and other tests, they announced that it was not my appendix and I was fine to go home. What a day!

Earlier this morning I woke up and checked my 23andme account. I was so surprised to find that my DNA test results had come in the night before. I (not so patiently) waited for my mom so we could look at it together. Turns out I am:

50.0% Ashkenazi Jewish

28.1% Eastern European (covers Ukraine, Russia, Poland, Hungary)

17.4% Northwestern European

8.6%    French & German

  4.5%     Scandinavian

 4.3%    Broadly Northwestern European (covers Iceland, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Iceland, France, Germany)

<0.1% Southern European (covers Iberian, Italian, and Balkan peninsulas as well as the island Sardinia)

4.5% Broadly European

<0.1% Eastern Asian & Native American

<0.1% Unassigned

I am so happy that I got my results. I also had an audition today for a play about the Holocaust. Today was the first day of auditions- which started at 1 o’clock. I got there shortly before and there was only one other person there. I grabbed a sheet to fill out and a side from the script. As I filled out the paper my mom read the side and was blown away at how deep it was. Soon she left to return to my sisters in the car and I read the paper. It sent chills down my spine. Although I was not the first person there the director had me audition first as he knew my mom was waiting with my sisters. I read the side once and I was trembling because of the subject, it truly gave me goosebumps. The director, Michael, asked me to read again, this time with more urgency, but hushed. I did it again and was happy with how it went. He kindly walked me out of the theater and as I got in the car he began talking to my mom. I do not remember most of what he said in the beginning but I do remember him saying that he was definitely going to use me in the show. I was absolutely thrilled! He also explained about how deep the show is and how it’s has many monologues and isn’t very fun show. He looked at me and said, “Don’t worry, though. You’ll have plenty of fun backstage.” One of the children in the show is the bone sweeper (which is the monologue I read for), and another is experimented on. In the show I will scream, I will cry, and I will die. I am so grateful to be able to do something so meaningful.

I hope you have all had a happy and safe winter season.

Thanks for reading,


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