Unusual Art

By: Bailey

Unusual Art

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That quote is so true.  Art in all its forms makes this world a more beautiful place.  I have always loved art.  Now, I have absolutely no artistic talent in the sense of painting or drawing or sculpting.  I wish I did.  Though I can draw a pretty fantastic stick figure camel!  One of my favorite things about art (even in dance, theatre, and music) is that it is always evolving.  People are always finding new ways to create, to share their heart, to explore the imagination.

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Every year in my area, people from all over the world and across the US come for a week long event where they showcase their sculptures.  However, these are not your typical sculptures made out of clay, stone, or metal.  No.  These artists use logs as their medium and a chainsaw as their tool.

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I attended the “Chainsaw Rendezvous” this past weekend.  It is always a delight.  Our small town, where there is normally not much to do, is all of sudden a happening place.  It seems like everyone comes out for it.  You get to watch the carvers at work.  Right before your eyes a huge log slowly becomes a wolf or Batman.  You watch them use fire to create different shades.  The smell of sawdust and the hum of a chainsaw surround you.  Sometimes these carvings tell an epic tale of a sea monster wreaking havoc on a ship.  You meet people from Slovakia and Japan, Oregon and Ohio, or from your own neighborhood.  There is just something so unexpected with a chainsaw creating art.  It is a wonderful juxtaposition of strength and beauty.

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