
Well I made it pretty far in the school year without getting sick but this week I got knocked down, and on my mom’s birthday too.  So far I’ve missed 2 days of school but it’s looking like it might be a third.  I haven’t had a chance to write recently because we’ve been so busy with the holidays.  I had a great winter break and just relaxed with my family.  I also just found out that I get to go to TX with my mom and dad in March to see some doctors at the Chromosome 18 Research Center.  I’m not exactly excited about the doctor part but I know my parents are excited to learn a little more about my disability.  They also said that they will take me to Morgan’s Wonderland while we’re there.  Morgan’s Wonderland is an amusement park that is fully accessible for kids like me.  Can’t wait to share photos with you all when we get back!

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