
By: Byron

Since my last blog a lot has happened I celebrated Christmas, New Years, and had exams.  For Christmas my sister came up from New York.  We spent the entire week making cookies.  We now have over 1,200 cookies that will last for probably the entire year.   On Christmas day my little brother and sister came from their moms house and we opened gifts.  For New Years my sister and I flew to DC where on New Years Eve we went to the Kennedy Center to watch a very funny play and afterwards we went to an after party put on by the Kennedy Center.  We then got up on the 1st of January and drove to Virginia.  We spent the next three days touring presidential houses including Monticello, Montpellier, and Oak Hill.  We then got back to DC in time for me to catch my flight the following morning.  After returning I went back to school for two weeks and then we started exams.  My exam week was crazy.  I had a day off because of MLK day and then went to school for a day then had another day off.  I then went to school for two days because of exams.  After the weekend I went to school for one day for my last exam, then had a week off due to snow days.  A big thing that happened last week was that I became an Eagle Scout in the Boy Scouts, which I am very proud to be.

Last Sunday was the Super Bowl where the New England Patriots beat the Seattle Seahawks with 30 seconds left in the game.  It was an amazing game and I went insane when the Patriots won.  I was so excited and happy.  I hope we have an as good of a season next year as we did this year.


  1. EstherRuth February 7, 2019 at 6:59 am - Reply

    Dear Grace,
    Hello! I think you should add “model” to the things you like to do – you are a beautiful young lady, & I think you would be good at it. On second thought, you (& your mom) already sound like you’re pretty busy. I’m new to the site, & your happy photo caused me to look at your blog. Then I chose your blog to start with as you sound very interesting. Love your & Roxie’s Halloween costumes. Your sparkly red shoes are my favorite part! Roxie as Toto is my second favorite!!
    Your photo brought to mind a Halloween from my past when I too was in high school. My dog, Sweet Pea, & I were Little Bo Peep & her Lamb. I had been in a wedding the previous summer & didn’t think I’d ever wear the bridesmaids dress again. My mom helped me turn it into a Bo Peep dress, & I turned a small white faux fur throw rug into a costume for my Sweet Pea. I just had to cut it down smaller, & then I attached 2 elastic strips to it. The fur part covered the top of her from her neck down to where her tail began, & both of her sides.
    The elastic strips held it on her. They went under her chest & tummy. I sure wish I had a picture of us (like yours of you & Roxie), but I don’t. That’s okay though, because when I remember it I can see it perfectly in my mind . Sweet Pea was an excellent, well behaved Lamb. I had forgotten all about this great Halloween memory – thank you Grace.

    Those two (my Mom & Sweet Pea) are my all time favorite girls, & my mom was my best friend. She & Sweet Pea are in Heaven now. I still miss them, & think I always will. It comforts me to know that one day (a long, long, long time from now) I too will be in Heaven, & will be with them again. Until then I have them in my heart along with so many excellent memories of them, & when my family all gets together (I’m the youngest of 7 kids – my sister Rebecca is my best friend now) we share our favorite memories of my Mom, & there is a lot of laughter (she had an excellent sense of humor, & loved to laugh). I also honor her in little ways, like on Sunday’s I get up early enough so I can go to Sunday school (I’ve never liked waking up early) instead of just going to the later Church service (which is what I’d prefer to do) because it was important to her that I do both. Another little way I honor her is with my gardening. Flower gardening is my favorite hobby, & my mom loved gardening too. One of the things she taught me was that I should pick one color, & weave it throughout my garden to tie it all together. Most often I did this with either the color white or purple (purple is my favorite color). I grow most of my flowers from seeds. Pink was my moms favorite color, so now I weave (plant) pink flowering plants throughout my flower beds. They’re beautiful, & I always think of her when I look at them, & when I garden.
    Okay, I’m going back to read your blog now. I just wanted to stop & say “Hello”, to tell you how beautiful you are, & to share with you my Halloween memory. Take care, & keep on being Happy!
    Sincerely, Esther Ruth

  2. Positive Exposure February 16, 2019 at 3:17 pm - Reply

    Thanks for the update. Wow, you have had a lot going on. Glad youre feeling better.

  3. Positive Exposure February 19, 2019 at 10:07 pm - Reply

    Great to hear from you!!! Thanks for the update. We missed you!

  4. Positive Exposure February 19, 2019 at 10:29 pm - Reply

    Great to hear from you!!!!

  5. Charlotte July 13, 2019 at 3:53 pm - Reply

    Love the costume!

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