Valentines Day DIY for your favorite wheelchair users
By: Morgan
- Friendship bracelet – “I would knot be the same without you”
- Sneakers – “been chasing you since Day 1”
- Gummy bears – “ being without you is unbearable”
- Hot wheels car – “I’ll let you lead the way”
- Bee mine – Burt’s Bees chapstick
- Empty alcohol – anytime without you is wasted
- Love you to pieces – candy minis
- You knock my socks off – socks!!!!!!
- Doughnut – don’t forget how much I love you
- Blow pop – you blow my mind
Some little, some big, some sweet, some sassy for friends, family and your loved ones this valentines day. Different price points. I’m also just a fan of arts and crafts.
Hope you give these a try.