Volleyball Tournament
By: Mia
Last weekend I had a volleyball tournament on Saturday and Sunday. It was exciting cause it was my fourth to last volleyball tournament of this volleyball season. On Saturday we won no games, but it was very close. Not winning those games made my team become discouraged and we started haveing bad attitudes about playing, and started getting mad at each other. This just made us play worse and worse. On Sunday morning we were really wanting to win, and our coaches gave us a pep-talk. We all decided it would be a good idea to meet in the middle after every play to encourage each other. We played four games that day and won every single one of them because we worked hard and encouraged each other. Winning these games made up for our losses the day before and we won first place in the bronze bracket(fourth place in the tournament). We have another tournament this weekend and I hope we can keep up the same can do attitude so we can win and have fun.