We are Pearls!

We are Pearls!

The other day my mom was sharing some information about Positive Exposure with my Aunt Didi. She told her about PEARLS and my blog. My Aunt Didi asked my mom what the acronym, PEARLS, meant. Here it is:

Positive Exposure Ambassadors’ Real Life Stories

My Aunt Didi told my mom that it also had another meaning, and later that day she sent it to my mom in a text. Here it is:

Precious Enthusiastic Admired Rare Loved Spectacular

Yes! The Positive Exposure PEARLS Ambassadors are all of these and more!


  1. Positive Exposure June 27, 2020 at 2:15 pm - Reply


  2. Margaret October 20, 2020 at 10:28 pm - Reply

    Hi Samantha! My name is Margaret and I’m a college student at Cornell University and a member of Cornell Cameradery. Cameradery is a photography program where you partner with a Cornell student and do various photography projects together. Your work will be displayed at the Positive Exposure gallery! We are so excited about this program and would love for you to be a part of it. Please let us know if you are interested! You can contact us at cornellcameradery@gmail.com or fill out this survey indicating you are interested! https://forms.gle/WuqQ85wEsio6AMJt8

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